Joyously masking up for 17 years!

17 years ago today, our small business of making discarded books into goods was born as I made a journal as a gift for my friend's 30th birthday. ⁠

There have been a bazillion happy amazing highlights over our years in business. Each year I take some time to look back & marvel at how we've grown, what we've learned, & from where we've come... This year, during my look back, I came across this picture & it held all new meaning considering the year we've all just endured.⁠

Ironically, long before COVID, if you wanted to see me in my consistently happiest place (outside of parenting our small human), you'd also see me donning a mask, inside a box of books, hunting for discarded beauties, humming with joy.⁠

Because we source our books right at the cusp of the landfill... before their pages are ground up into fodder for toilet paper & paper towels, we're surrounded by all sorts of dust & particulate matter. Mask wearing has been a professional skill of the Attic Journals team for a long, long time.⁠

Soon, we'll be back in those big boxes, waist high in discards & digging for what will be journals for folks all around the world. We'll wear our masks then, as we are now, with a whole new appreciation for this life we're living.